Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

32 of 32 (100%) sections assigned

32 of 32 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: Britannia

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Preface  bascomjean PL OK
1 Parentage and Birth of Russia  bascomjean PL OK
2 Growth and Consolidation of Russia  bascomjean PL OK
3 Reigns of Vlademer, Yaroslaf, Ysiaslaf and Vsevolod  bascomjean PL OK
4 Years of War and Woe  bascomjean PL OK
5 Mstislaf and Andre  bascomjean PL OK
6 The Grand Princes of Vladimir, and the Invasion of Genghis Khan  Jules8 PL OK
7 The Sway of the Tartar Princes  Jules8 PL OK
8 Resurrection of the Russian Monarchy  Jules8 PL OK
9 Dmitri, Vassali, and the Mogol Tamerlane  Jules8 PL OK
10 The Illustrious Ivan III  Jules8 PL OK
11 The Reign of Vassili  Jules8 PL OK
12 Ivan IV - His Minority  tovarisch PL OK
13 The Reign of Ivan IV  tovarisch PL OK
14 The Reign of Ivan IV - Continued  tovarisch PL OK
15 The Abdication of Ivan IV  tovarisch PL OK
16 The Storms of Hereditary Succession  Allanar72 PL OK
17 A Change of Dynasty  Allanar72 PL OK
18 The Regency of Sophia  Allanar72 PL OK
19 Peter the Great  bascomjean PL OK
20 Conquests and Achievements of Peter the Great  bascomjean PL OK
21 The Trial and Condemnation of Alexis and Death of the Tzar  bascomjean PL OK
22 The Reigns of Catharine I, Anne, the Infant Ivan and Elizabeth  Jules8 PL OK
23 Peter III and His Bride  Jules8 PL OK
24 The Conspiracy; and Accession of Catharine II  kwdavids PL OK
25 Reign of Catharine II  kwdavids PL OK
26 Reign of Catharine II  kwdavids PL OK
27 Termination of the Reign of Catharine II  kwdavids PL OK
28 The Reign of Paul I  kwdavids PL OK
29 Assassination of Paul and Accession of Alexander  kwdavids PL OK
30 Reign of Alexander I  kwdavids PL OK
31 Nicholas  kwdavids PL OK