Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

31 of 31 (100%) sections assigned

31 of 31 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: sailormoon

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 01 - The Dwellings of Mid-Mark  gloriana PL OK
2 02 - The Flitting of the War-Arrow  gloriana PL OK
3 03 - Thiodolf Talketh with the Wood-Sun  keri PL OK
4 04 - The House Fareth to the War  ToddHW PL OK
5 05 - Concerning the Hall-Sun  ToddHW PL OK
6 06 - They Talk on the Way to the Folk-Thing  ToddHW PL OK
7 07 - They Gather to the Folk-Mote  ToddHW PL OK
8 08 - The Folk-Mote of the Markmen  ToddHW PL OK
9 09 - The Ancient Man of the Daylings  Caeliveres PL OK
10 10 - That Carline Cometh to the Roof of the Wolfings  Delmar H Dolbier PL OK
11 11 - The Hall-Sun Speaketh  alg1001 PL OK
12 12 - Tidings of the Battle in Mirkwood  Snaefaxi PL OK
13 13 - The Hall-Sun Saith Another Word  NastassiaS PL OK
14 14 - The Hall-Sun is Careful Concerning the Passes of the Wood  Snaefaxi PL OK
15 15 - They Hear Tell of the Battle on the Ridge  Snaefaxi PL OK
16 16 - How the Dwarf-wrought Hauberk was Brought Away from the Hall of the Daylings  keri PL OK
17 17 - The Wood-Sun Speaketh with Thiodolf  Snaefaxi PL OK
18 18 - Tidings Brought to the Wain-Burg  Snaefaxi PL OK
19 19 - Those Messengers Come to Thiodolf  Snaefaxi PL OK
20 20 - Otter and his Folk Come into Mid-Mark  2peltons PL OK
21 21 - They Bicker About the Ford  aquaswooshie PL OK
22 22 - Otter Falls on Against his Will  aquaswooshie PL OK
23 23 - Thiodolf Meeteth the Romans in the Wolfing Meadow  Caeliveres PL OK
24 24 - The Goths are Overthrown by the Romans  Caeliveres PL OK
25 25 - The Host of the Markmen Cometh into the Wild-Wood  2peltons PL OK
26 26 - Thiodolf Talketh with the Wood-Sun  ToddHW PL OK
27 27 - They Wend to the Morning Battle  ToddHW PL OK
28 28 - Of the Storm of Dawning  Akael PL OK
29 29 - Of Thiodolf's Storm  2peltons PL OK
30 30 - Thiodolf is Borne out of the Hall and Otter is Laid Beside Him  gloriana PL OK
31 31 - Old Asmund Speaketh over the War-Dukes: The Dead are Laid in Mound  gloriana PL OK