Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

10 of 10 (100%) sections assigned

10 of 10 (100%) sections completed

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Farewell Speech  ref PL OK
2 Speech on conciliation with America, 1775 (part 1)  cottonwoodhead PL OK
3 Speech on conciliation with America, 1775 (part 2)  cottonwoodhead PL OK
4 Addressing the House of Commons, Meeting of Parliament, 1849  Snapdragon PL OK
5 Speech at the outset of the First World War, 1914  dvimont PL OK
6 Speech on the Abdication of King Edward the VIII, House of Commons, 1936  Snapdragon PL OK
7 First speech as Prime Minister, 1940 'Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat'  dvimont PL OK
8 Speech on Korea  Cori PL OK
9 Speech on Attendance at Council Meetings  Cori PL OK
10 Speech on Nuclear Weapons  Vandermast PL OK