Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

14 of 14 (100%) sections assigned

14 of 14 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: TriciaG

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 00 - Preface  JohanLiebert PL OK
1 01 - Preface and How Arthur Was Made King and Won His Kingdom  ophelia101 PL OK
2 02 - Sir Balin and the Stroke Dolorous  wtomcho PL OK
3 03 - How Lancelot Was Made a Knight. The Four Witch Queens and the Adventures at the Chapel Perilous  smatting PL OK
4 04 - The Knight of the Kitchen  Hobbit PL OK
5 05 - How Sir Tristram Kept His Word  wtomcho PL OK
6 06 - The Deeds of Sir Geraint  mrwemmick PL OK
7 07 - How Sir Perceval Was Taught Chivalry, and Ended the Evil Wrought by Sir Balin's Dolorous Stroke  CaryJS1112 PL OK
8 08 - How Sir Owen Won the Earldom of the Fountain  CaryJS1112 PL OK
9 09 - Of Sir Lancelot and the Fair Maid of Astolat  Hobbit PL OK
10 10 - How the Three Good Knights Achieved the Holy Graal  Trevedhek PL OK
11 11 - Of the Plots of Sir Mordred; and How Sir Lancelot Saved the Queen  kmstrs PL OK
12 12 - Of Sir Gawaine's Hatred, and the War with Sir Lancelot  kmstrs PL OK
13 13 - Of the Rebellion of Mordred and the Death of King Arthur  mrwemmick PL OK