Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

25 of 25 (100%) sections assigned

25 of 25 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: Carolin

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 01 - A Letter to the Minister of Marine  jollyrogered PL OK
2 02 - Two Poor Little Nestlings of Belgium  jollyrogered PL OK
3 03 - A Gay Little Scene at the Battle Front  Jules8 PL OK
4 04 - Letter to Enver Pasha  Carolin PL OK
5 05 - Another Scene at the Battle Front  pmchaffie PL OK
6 06 - The Phantom Basilica  pmchaffie PL OK
7 07 - The Flag Which Our Naval Brigade do not Yet Possess  pmchaffie PL OK
8 08 - Tahiti and the Savages with Pink Skins Like Boiled Pig  jollyrogered PL OK
9 09 - A Little Hussar  Carolin PL OK
10 10 - An Evening at Ypres  HurstPP PL OK
11 11 - At the General Headquarters of the Belgian Army  lezer PL OK
12 12 - Some Words Uttered by Her Majesty, the Queen of the Belgians  HurstPP PL OK
13 13 - An Appeal on Behalf of the Seriously Wounded in the East  Carolin PL OK
14 14 - Serbia in the Balkan War  bish PL OK
15 15 - Above All Let Us Never Forget!  bish PL OK
16 16 - The Inn of the Good Samaritan  Jules8 PL OK
17 17 - For the Rescue of Our Wounded  jollyrogered PL OK
18 18 - At Rheims  Jules8 PL OK
19 19 - The Death-Bearing Gas  lezer PL OK
20 20 - All-Souls' Day with the Armies at the Front  bish PL OK
21 21 - The Cross of Honour for the Flag of the Naval Brigade!  Carolin PL OK
22 22 - The Absent-Minded Pilgrim  Carolin PL OK
23 23 - The First Sunshine of March  lezer PL OK
24 24 - At Soissons  Jules8 PL OK
25 25 - The Two Gorgon Heads  jollyrogered PL OK