Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

73 of 110 (66%) sections assigned

57 of 110 (52%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: elsieselwyn

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Leo III and the Isaurian Dynasty (717-802) Part 1 by Charles Diehl  wildlindajohnson 32:42 Listen PL OK
2 Leo III and the Isaurian Dynasty (717-802) Part 2 by Charles Diehl  wildlindajohnson 20:06 Listen PL OK
3 Leo III and the Isaurian Dynasty (717-802) Part 3 by Charles Diehl  wildlindajohnson 23:46 Listen PL OK
4 Leo III and the Isaurian Dynasty (717-802) Part 4 by Charles Diehl  wildlindajohnson 34:26 Listen PL OK
5 From Nicephorus I to the Fall of the Phrygian Dynasty Part 1 by Charles Diehl  Roselbex 29:10 Listen PL OK
6 From Nicephorus I to the Fall of the Phrygian Dynasty Part 2 by Charles Diehl  Roselbex 21:55 Listen PL OK
7 From Nicephorus I to the Fall of the Phrygian Dynasty Part 3 by Charles Diehl  Roselbex 31:24 Listen PL OK
8 The Macedonian Dynasty from 867 to 976 A.D. Part 1 by Albert Vogt  ClemmFandango 18:15 Listen PL OK
9 The Macedonian Dynasty from 867 to 976 A.D. Part 2 by Albert Vogt  ClemmFandango ▲24/10/10 Link to text (printed p.54-64) 5100 words. Starting "Leo VI (886-912).". Ending before "Constantine’s Personal Government (944-959)." (30:30) Listen See PL notes
10 The Macedonian Dynasty from 867 to 976 A.D. Part 3 by Albert Vogt  Katty1cuadra 34:23 Listen PL OK
11 The Macedonian Dynasty from 867 to 976 A.D. Part 4 by Albert Vogt  Katty1cuadra ▲24/10/13 Link to text (printed p.70-78) 4080 words. Starting "Theophano (16 March-14 August 963).". Ending before "Joun Tzrmisces (969-976)." Assigned
12 The Macedonian Dynasty from 867 to 976 A.D. Part 5 by Albert Vogt  Katty1cuadra ▲24/10/13 Link to text (printed p.78-83) 2550 words. Starting "Joun Tzrmisces (969-976)." Assigned
13 The Macedonian Dynasty from 976 to 1057 A.D. Part 1 by Albert Vogt  Roselbex 29:27 Listen PL OK
14 The Macedonian Dynasty from 976 to 1057 A.D. Part 2 by Albert Vogt  Roselbex 22:43 Listen PL OK
15 The Macedonian Dynasty from 976 to 1057 A.D. Part 3 by Albert Vogt  Roselbex 31:24 Listen PL OK
16 The Macedonian Dynasty from 976 to 1057 A.D. Part 4 by Albert Vogt  Roselbex 14:58 Listen PL OK
17 The Macedonian Dynasty from 976 to 1057 A.D. Part 5 by Albert Vogt  Roselbex 38:03 Listen PL OK
18 The Struggle with the Saracens (717-867) Part 1 by E.W. Brooks  Roselbex 28:24 FILENAME Listen PL OK
19 The Struggle with the Saracens (717-867) Part 2 by E.W. Brooks  Roselbex 28:37 Listen PL OK
20 The Struggle with the Saracens (717-867) Part 3 by E.W. Brooks  Roselbex 22:26 Listen PL OK
21 The Struggle with the Saracens (867-1057) Part 1 by A.A. Vasil'ev  Roselbex 22:09 Listen PL OK
22 The Struggle with the Saracens (867-1057) Part 2 by A.A. Vasil'ev  Roselbex 30:26 Listen PL OK
23 The Struggle with the Saracens: Summary by J.B. Bury  Roselbex 04:11 FILENAME Listen PL OK
24 Armenia Part 1 by Frédéric Macler  Realfunghi 26:47 Listen PL OK
25 Armenia Part 2 by Frédéric Macler  Realfunghi 25:35 Listen PL OK
26 Armenia Part 3 by Frédéric Macler  Realfunghi 26:39 Listen PL OK
27 Armenia Part 4 by Frédéric Macler  Realfunghi 16:25 Listen PL OK
28 The Empire and Its Northern Neighbours Part 1 by Charles Kadlec  Roselbex 26:07 Listen PL OK
29 The Empire and Its Northern Neighbours Part 2 by Charles Kadlec  Roselbex 35:13 Listen PL OK
30 The Empire and Its Northern Neighbours Part 3 by Charles Kadlec  Roselbex 28:01 Listen PL OK
31 The Empire and Its Northern Neighbours Part 4 by Charles Kadlec  Roselbex 32:15 Listen PL OK
32 Conversion of the Slavs Part 1 by V. Jagić  bartame ▲24/10/16 Link to text (printed p.215-222) 3570 words. Ending before "To sum up, we must accept the almost contemporary tradition," (23:35)/See PL notes here. Listen See PL notes
33 Conversion of the Slavs Part 2 by V. Jagić  bartame ▲24/10/09 Link to text (printed p.222-230) 4080 words. Starting "To sum up, we must accept the almost contemporary tradition," Assigned
34 The Rise and Fall of the First Bulgarian Empire (678-1018) Part 1 by William Miller  jonbuder 29:41 FILENAME Listen PL OK
35 The Rise and Fall of the First Bulgarian Empire (678-1018) Part 2 by William Miller  jonbuder 23:49 Listen PL OK
36 The Greek Church: Its Relations with the West up to 1054 Part 1 by Louis Bréhier  Roselbex 29:50 Listen PL OK
37 The Greek Church: Its Relations with the West up to 1054 Part 2 by Louis Bréhier  Roselbex 22:12 Listen PL OK
38 The Greek Church: Its Relations with the West up to 1054 Part 3 by Louis Bréhier  Roselbex 20:59 Listen PL OK
39 The Greek Church: Its Relations with the West up to 1054 Part 4 by Louis Bréhier  Roselbex 25:44 Listen PL OK
40 Muslim Civilisation During the Abbasid Period Part 1 by Thomas W. Arnold  Roselbex 23:48 Listen PL OK
41 Muslim Civilisation During the Abbasid Period Part 2 by Thomas W. Arnold  Roselbex 24:00 Listen PL OK
42 Muslim Civilisation During the Abbasid Period Part 3 by Thomas W. Arnold  Roselbex 26:16 Listen PL OK
43 Muslim Civilisation During the Abbasid Period Part 4 by Thomas W. Arnold  Roselbex 25:42 Listen PL OK
44 The Seljuqs Part 1 by Herbert M.J. Loewe  tombooker 28:36 Listen PL OK
45 The Seljuqs Part 2 by Herbert M.J. Loewe  tombooker 26:37 Listen PL OK
46 The Seljuqs Part 3 by Herbert M.J. Loewe  tombooker 31:29 Listen PL OK
47 The Earlier Comneni Part 1 by Ferdinand Chalandon  Roselbex 27:16 Listen PL OK
48 The Earlier Comneni Part 2 by Ferdinand Chalandon  Roselbex 22:18 Listen PL OK
49 The Earlier Comneni Part 3 by Ferdinand Chalandon  Roselbex 27:58 Listen PL OK
50 The Earlier Comneni Part 4 by Ferdinand Chalandon  Roselbex 28:45 Listen PL OK
51 The Earlier Comneni Part 5 by Ferdinand Chalandon  Roselbex 16:02 Listen PL OK
52 The Later Comneni Part 1 by Ferdinand Chalandon  Roselbex 22:14 Listen PL OK
53 The Later Comneni Part 2 by Ferdinand Chalandon  Roselbex ▲24/10/19 Link to text (printed p.357-365) 4080 words. Starting "The first expedition of John Comnenus proved abortive; the Em". Ending before "During this period the policy of Manuel in the West had yielded" Assigned
54 The Later Comneni Part 3 by Ferdinand Chalandon  Roselbex ▲24/10/19 Link to text (printed p.365-373) 4080 words. Starting "During this period the policy of Manuel in the West had yielded". Ending before "The continual wars which were waged during this period on the" Assigned
55 The Later Comneni Part 4 by Ferdinand Chalandon  Roselbex ▲24/10/19 Link to text (printed p.373-379) 3060 words. Starting "The continual wars which were waged during this period on the". Ending before "Alexius I, son and successor of Manuel Comnenus, was twelve years" Assigned
56 The Later Comneni Part 5 by Ferdinand Chalandon  Roselbex ▲24/10/19 Link to text (printed p.379-385) 3060 words. Starting "Alexius I, son and successor of Manuel Comnenus, was twelve years" Assigned
57 Venice Part 1 by Horatio F. Brown  ClemmFandango 26:34 Listen PL OK
58 Venice Part 2 by Horatio F. Brown  OlgaVictoria 34:14 FILENAME Listen PL OK
59 Venice Part 3 by Horatio F. Brown   Link to text (printed p.401-409) 4080 words. Starting "We now come to the period of the dynastic supremacy of the". Ending before "We are now approaching the period of the Crusades, throughout" Open
60 Venice Part 4 by Horatio F. Brown   Link to text (printed p.409-415) 3060 words. Starting "We are now approaching the period of the Crusades, throughout" Open
62 The Fourth Crusade and the Latin Empire Part 2 by Charles Diehl  rlc77jrm ▲24/09/19 Link to text (printed p.421-427) 3060 words. Starting "But this was only a semblance, as was obvious a little later when the". Ending before "Yolande, sister of the two first Latin Emperors, was married to" Assigned
63 The Fourth Crusade and the Latin Empire Part 3 by Charles Diehl  rlc77jrm ▲24/09/19 Link to text (printed p.427-432) 2550 words. Starting "Yolande, sister of the two first Latin Emperors, was married to" Assigned
64 Greece and the Aegean Under Frank and Venetian Domination (1204-1571) Part 1 by William Miller  Realfunghi ▲24/10/28 Link to text (printed p.432-440) 4080 words. Ending before "In the same year that witnessed the annexation of Salonica, the" Assigned
65 Greece and the Aegean Under Frank and Venetian Domination (1204-1571) Part 2 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.440-448) 4080 words. Starting "In the same year that witnessed the annexation of Salonica, the". Ending before "The same year 1294 that made the young Duke of Athens his own" Open
66 Greece and the Aegean Under Frank and Venetian Domination (1204-1571) Part 3 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.448-455) 3570 words. Starting "The same year 1294 that made the young Duke of Athens his own". Ending before "The death of Frederick III, King of Sicily and Duke of Athens, in" Open
67 Greece and the Aegean Under Frank and Venetian Domination (1204-1571) Part 4 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.455-463) 4080 words. Starting "The death of Frederick III, King of Sicily and Duke of Athens, in". Ending before "Florentine rule at Athens had ended in one of those domestic" Open
68 Greece and the Aegean Under Frank and Venetian Domination (1204-1571) Part 5 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.463-471) 4080 words. Starting "Florentine rule at Athens had ended in one of those domestic". Ending before "The prosperity of Cyprus had, however, begun to wane before the" Open
69 Greece and the Aegean Under Frank and Venetian Domination (1204-1571) Part 6 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.471-478) 3570 words. Starting "The prosperity of Cyprus had, however, begun to wane before the" Open
70 The Empire of Nicaea and the Recovery of Constantinople Part 1 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.478-487) 4590 words. Ending before "In the same year as Theodore, died his rival, the first Emperor of" Open
71 The Empire of Nicaea and the Recovery of Constantinople Part 2 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.487-495) 4080 words. Starting "In the same year as Theodore, died his rival, the first Emperor of". Ending before "Meanwhile, the domestic life of the Emperor had been less fortunate" Open
72 The Empire of Nicaea and the Recovery of Constantinople Part 3 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.495-501) 3060 words. Starting "Meanwhile, the domestic life of the Emperor had been less fortunate". Ending before "The new Emperor had not completed his thirty-third year when he" Open
73 The Empire of Nicaea and the Recovery of Constantinople Part 4 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.501-511) 5100 words. Starting "The new Emperor had not completed his thirty-third year when he". Ending before "In the early part of 1261 Michael VIII had sent his experienced" Open
74 The Empire of Nicaea and the Recovery of Constantinople Part 5 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.511-517) 3060 words. Starting "In the early part of 1261 Michael VIII had sent his experienced" Open
75 The Balkan States: I. The Zenith of Bulgaria and Serbia (1186-1355) Part 1 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.517-524) 3570 words. Ending before "The golden age of Bulgaria under the rule of John Asén II was" Open
76 The Balkan States: I. The Zenith of Bulgaria and Serbia (1186-1355) Part 2 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.524-530) 3060 words. Starting "The golden age of Bulgaria under the rule of John Asén II was". Ending before "Andronicus II, who had now succeeded to the Byzantine throne," Open
77 The Balkan States: I. The Zenith of Bulgaria and Serbia (1186-1355) Part 3 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.530-539) 4590 words. Starting "Andronicus II, who had now succeeded to the Byzantine throne,". Ending before "Stephen Uros III did not long enjoy the fruits of his triumph. His" Open
78 The Balkan States: I. The Zenith of Bulgaria and Serbia (1186-1355) Part 4 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.539-545) 3060 words. Starting "Stephen Uros III did not long enjoy the fruits of his triumph. His". Ending before "At the moment of Tvrtko’s accession, Dusan was engaged in war" Open
79 The Balkan States: I. The Zenith of Bulgaria and Serbia (1186-1355) Part 5 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.545-552) 3570 words. Starting "At the moment of Tvrtko’s accession, Dusan was engaged in war" Open
80 The Balkan States: II. The Turkish Conquest (1355-1483) Part 1 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.552-559) 3570 words. Ending before "The Serbian Empire had fallen, but a diminished Serbian principality" Open
81 The Balkan States: II. The Turkish Conquest (1355-1483) Part 2 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.559-565) 3060 words. Starting "The Serbian Empire had fallen, but a diminished Serbian principality". Ending before "A Hungarian invasion and a civil war followed the election of" Open
82 The Balkan States: II. The Turkish Conquest (1355-1483) Part 3 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.565-574) 4590 words. Starting "A Hungarian invasion and a civil war followed the election of". Ending before "Stephen Thomas began his reign by taking a step which had" Open
83 The Balkan States: II. The Turkish Conquest (1355-1483) Part 4 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.574-578) 2040 words. Starting "Stephen Thomas began his reign by taking a step which had". Ending before "The kingdom of Bosnia survived by only four years the fall of" Open
84 The Balkan States: II. The Turkish Conquest (1355-1483) Part 5 by William Miller   Link to text (printed p.578-594) 8160 words. Starting "The kingdom of Bosnia survived by only four years the fall of" Open
85 Attempts at Reunion of the Greek and Latin Churches Part 1 by Louis Bréhier   Link to text (printed p.594-599) 2550 words. Ending before "The capture of Antioch and of Jerusalem had at any rate the result" Open
86 Attempts at Reunion of the Greek and Latin Churches Part 2 by Louis Bréhier   Link to text (printed p.599-607) 4080 words. Starting "The capture of Antioch and of Jerusalem had at any rate the result". Ending before "Theodore Lascaris had indeed thought of regaining Constantinople by" Open
87 Attempts at Reunion of the Greek and Latin Churches Part 3 by Louis Bréhier   Link to text (printed p.607-614) 3570 words. Starting "Theodore Lascaris had indeed thought of regaining Constantinople by". Ending before "It may be said that it was during the long and disastrous reign of" Open
88 Attempts at Reunion of the Greek and Latin Churches Part 4 by Louis Bréhier   Link to text (printed p.614-621) 3570 words. Starting "It may be said that it was during the long and disastrous reign of". Ending before "John Palaeologus, accompanied by his brother the Despot Demetrius," Open
89 Attempts at Reunion of the Greek and Latin Churches Part 5 by Louis Bréhier   Link to text (printed p.621-627) 3060 words. Starting "John Palaeologus, accompanied by his brother the Despot Demetrius," Open
90 The Mongols Part 1 by Herbert M.J. Loewe  tombooker 35:42 Listen PL OK
91 The Mongols Part 2 by Herbert M.J. Loewe  tombooker 15:55 Listen PL OK
92 The Mongols Part 3 by Herbert M.J. Loewe  tombooker 33:30 Listen PL OK
93 The Mongols Part 4 by Herbert M.J. Loewe  tombooker 32:50 Listen PL OK
94 The Ottoman Turks to the Fall of Constantinople Part 1 by Edwin Pears   Link to text (printed p.653-661) 4080 words. Ending before "ORKHAN (1326-1359)." Open
95 The Ottoman Turks to the Fall of Constantinople Part 2 by Edwin Pears   Link to text (printed p.661-668) 3570 words. Starting "ORKHAN (1326-1359).". Ending before "MURAD I (1359-1389)." Open
96 The Ottoman Turks to the Fall of Constantinople Part 3 by Edwin Pears   Link to text (printed p.668-674) 3060 words. Starting "MURAD I (1359-1389).". Ending before "BAYAZID (1389-1403). WARS OF SUCCESSION (1403-1413)." Open
97 The Ottoman Turks to the Fall of Constantinople Part 4 by Edwin Pears   Link to text (printed p.674-687) 6630 words. Starting "BAYAZID (1389-1403). WARS OF SUCCESSION (1403-1413).". Ending before "MAHOMET I, CALLED THE GENTLEMAN (1413-1421)." Open
98 The Ottoman Turks to the Fall of Constantinople Part 5 by Edwin Pears   Link to text (printed p.687-693) 3060 words. Starting "MAHOMET I, CALLED THE GENTLEMAN (1413-1421).". Ending before "MAHOMET II (1451-1481)." Open
99 The Ottoman Turks to the Fall of Constantinople Part 6 by Edwin Pears   Link to text (printed p.693-706) 6630 words. Starting "MAHOMET II (1451-1481)." Open
100 Byzantine Legislation from the Death of Justinian (565) to 1453 Part 1 by Paul Collinet   Link to text (printed p.706-711) 2550 words. Ending before "II." Open
101 Byzantine Legislation from the Death of Justinian (565) to 1453 Part 2 by Paul Collinet   Link to text (printed p.711-719) 4080 words. Starting "II.". Ending before "III." Open
102 Byzantine Legislation from the Death of Justinian (565) to 1453 Part 3 by Paul Collinet   Link to text (printed p.719-726) 3570 words. Starting "III." Open
103 The Government and Administration of the Byzantine Empire Part 1 by Charles Diehl  Kazbek 25:06 Listen PL OK
104 The Government and Administration of the Byzantine Empire Part 2 by Charles Diehl  Kazbek 21:53 Listen PL OK
105 The Government and Administration of the Byzantine Empire Part 3 by Charles Diehl   Link to text (printed p.737-745) 4080 words. Starting "IV." Open
106 Byzantine Civilisation Part 1 by Charles Diehl  ColleenMc 20:07 Listen PL OK
107 Byzantine Civilisation Part 2 by Charles Diehl  ColleenMc 33:40 Listen PL OK
108 Byzantine Civilisation Part 3 by Charles Diehl  ColleenMc ▲24/07/17 Link to text (printed p.761-770) 4590 words. Starting "III.". Ending before "IV." Assigned
109 Byzantine Civilisation Part 4 by Charles Diehl  ColleenMc ▲24/07/17 Link to text (printed p.770-773) 1530 words. Starting "IV.". Ending before "V." Assigned
110 Byzantine Civilisation Part 5 by Charles Diehl  ColleenMc ▲24/07/17 Link to text (printed p.773-778) 2550 words. Starting "V.". Please read the outro. Assigned