Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

18 of 18 (100%) sections assigned

18 of 18 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: ej400

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Preface  aradlaw PL OK
1 Letter 1  valroth PL OK
2 Letter 2  periclaud PL OK
3 Letter 3, Part 1  jenno PL OK
4 Letter 3, Part 2  jenno PL OK
5 Letter 4, Part 1  tshoes76 PL OK
6 Letter 4, Part 2  tshoes76 PL OK
7 Letter 5  BettyB PL OK
8 Letter 6  JudyS PL OK
9 Letter 7  JudyS PL OK
10 Letter 8  DRomeo PL OK
11 Letter 9  tshoes76 PL OK
12 Letter 10  BettyB PL OK
13 Letter 11  prajak PL OK
14 Letter 12  prajak PL OK
15 Letter 13  prajak PL OK
16 Letter 14  prajak PL OK
17 Letter 15  aradlaw PL OK