Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

12 of 12 (100%) sections assigned

5 of 12 (42%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: Winnifred

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Chapter 1: Night and Morning  anneflebari 20:15 Listen PL OK
2 Chapter 2: Apples and Nuts  anneflebari 20:37 Listen PL OK
3 Chapter 3: It is Hildegarde  anneflebari 22:27 Listen PL OK
4 Chapter 4: On the Way  anneflebari 21:52 Listen PL OK
5 Chapter 5: 'What's o'Clock?'  anneflebari 22:53 Listen PL OK
8 Chapter 8: Tree-Top Land  anneflebari 3,236 words. Filename: magicnuts_08_molesworth_128kb Assigned
9 Chapter 9: A Concert  anneflebari 3,258 words. Filename: magicnuts_09_molesworth_128kb Assigned
10 Chapter 10: The Blue-Silk Room  anneflebari 2,733 words. Filename: magicnuts_10_molesworth_128kb Assigned
11 Chapter 11: 'The Unselfish Mermaid'  anneflebari 3,549 words. Filename: magicnuts_11_molesworth_128kb Assigned
12 Chapter 12: 'The Unselfish Mermaid', continued  anneflebari 3,275 words. Filename: magicnuts_12_molesworth_128kb Assigned