Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

20 of 20 (100%) sections assigned

20 of 20 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: laurakgibbs

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 from the ancient Greek Odyssey: "Ulysses and the Bag of Winds" retold by William H. Elson  alanmapstone PL OK
2 from the ancient Roman Aeneid: "The Wanderings of Aeneas" retold by H. L. Havell  Imago PL OK
3 an Aesop's fable: "The Frogs Ask for a King" in Krylov's Fables, retold by Bernard Pares  alanmapstone PL OK
4 a Medieval European legend: "Herod and the Bubbles" retold by F.J.H. Darton  lcole5 PL OK
5 a legend from northern Italy: "King Laurin's Rose Garden" retold by Karl Felix Wolff  kirk202 PL OK
6 a legend from Ireland: "Princess Fior Usga" retold by Thomas Crofton Croker  kirk202 PL OK
7 a Paul Bunyan story from the USA: "The Growing Boy" retold by James Cloyd Bowman  BobbyBreadshower PL OK
8 a Pueblo (Native American) story: "Coyote and Evening Star" retold by Ahlee James  lcole5 PL OK
9 a Dakota (Native American) story: "The Story of White Dawn" retold by Winona Blanche Allanson  lcole5 PL OK
10 a Tlingit (Native American) story: "Beaver and Porcupine" retold by Elizabeth Bishop Johnson  4324GF PL OK
11 African-American stories: "Rabbit Tales" collected by Arthur Huff Fauset  4324GF PL OK
12 a Lamba story from central Africa: "Mr. Warthog and Mr. Lion" collected by Clement Doke  silverquill PL OK
13 a Hausa story from western Africa: "Cayman, Man, and Jackal" retold by Blaise Cendrars  silverquill PL OK
14 a Swahili from eastern Africa: "The Man Befriended by Luck" collected by E. C. Baker  lcole5 PL OK
15 a story from Morocco: "The Fatal House" retold by Edward Powys Mathers  laurakgibbs PL OK
16 a Pashtun story from South Asia: "How the Greedy Princess Was Tricked" collected by Lucas White King  brenda8mac PL OK
17 a Buddhist story from India: "The Grateful Animals" retold by Marguerite Aspinwall  brenda8mac PL OK
18 a Lepcha fairy tale from South Asia: "A Fairy Disguised as a Puppy" collected by Cheridah de Beauvoir Stocks  laurakgibbs PL OK
19 a folktale from East Asia: "Moko and the Twelve Little Earth Men" retold by Charles H. Meeker  4324GF PL OK
20 a folktale from Japan: "The Weaver of the Frost" retold by Ken Nakazawa  laurakgibbs PL OK