Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

40 of 40 (100%) sections assigned

13 of 40 (33%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: Kitty

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Introduction to the Third Voyage - Part 1  Shipley (45:56) Listen PL OK
2 Introduction to the Third Voyage - Part 2  Shipley (37:14) Listen PL OK
3 Introduction to the Third Voyage - Part 3  Shipley (37:27) Listen PL OK
4 Introduction to the Third Voyage - Part 4  Shipley (40:37) Listen PL OK
5 Introduction to the Third Voyage - Part 5  Shipley (40:51) Listen PL OK
6 Introduction to the Third Voyage - Part 6  Shipley (43:40) Listen PL OK
7 Inscription to the Memory of Captain JAMES COOK  Shipley (7:04) Listen PL OK
8 Book I, Chap. I - Various Preparations for the Voyage, etc.  Shipley (28:41) Listen PL OK
9 Book I, Chap. II - Passage of the Resolution to Teneriffe, etc.  Shipley (40:00) Listen PL OK
10 Book I, Chap. III, Pt. 1 - Departure from Teneriffe, etc.  Shipley (28:38) / PL notes p. 3 Listen See PL notes
11 Book I, Chap. III, Pt. 2 - Departure from Teneriffe, etc  Shipley (31:45) Listen PL OK
12 Book I, Chap. IV, Pt. 1 - The two Ships leave the Cape of Good Hope, etc.  Shipley (28:01) Listen PL OK
13 Book I, Chap. IV, Pt. 2 - The two Ships leave the Cape of Good Hope, etc.  Shipley (29:21) / PL notes p. 3 Listen See PL notes
14 Book I, Chap. V, Pt. 1 - Departure from Christmas Harbour, etc  Shipley (28:12) Listen PL OK
15 Book I, Chap. V, Pt. 2 - Departure from Christmas Harbour, etc  Shipley (25:36) Listen PL OK
16 Book I, Chap. VI, Pt. 1 - Passage from Kerguelen’s to Van Diemen’s Land, etc.  Shipley 3700 words Assigned
17 Book I, Chap. VI, Pt. 2 - Passage from Kerguelen’s to Van Diemen’s Land, etc.  Shipley 3700 words Assigned
18 Book I, Chap. VII, Pt. 1 - The Passage from Van Diemen’s Land to New Zealand, etc.  Shipley 4100 words Assigned
19 Book I, Chap. VII, Pt. 2 - The Passage from Van Diemen’s Land to New Zealand, etc.  Shipley 4100 words Assigned
20 Book I, Chap. VIII, Pt. 1 - Mr. Anderson’s Remarks on the Country near Queen Charlotte’s Sound, etc.  Shipley 3000 words Assigned
21 Book I, Chap. VIII, Pt. 2 - Mr. Anderson’s Remarks on the Country near Queen Charlotte’s Sound, etc.  Shipley 3000 words Assigned
22 Book II, Chap. I - Prosecution of the Voyage, etc.  Shipley 3500 words Assigned
23 Book II, Chap. II, Pt. 1 - The Discovery of an Island called Wateeoo, etc.  Shipley 3800 words Assigned
24 Book II, Chap. II, Pt. 2 - The Discovery of an Island called Wateeoo, etc.  Shipley 3800 words Assigned
25 Book II, Chap. III, Pt. 1 - Wenooa-ette, or Otakootaia, visited, etc.  Shipley 2900 words Assigned
26 Book II, Chap. III, Pt. 2 - Wenooa-ette, or Otakootaia, visited, etc.  Shipley 2900 words Assigned
27 Book II, Chap. IV - Intercourse with the Natives of Komango, and other Islands, etc.  Shipley 4950 words Assigned
28 Book II, Chap. V - Arrival of the Ships at Hapaee, and friendly Reception there, etc.  Shipley 4200 words Assigned
29 Book II, Chap. VI, Pt. 1 - Description of Lefooga, etc.  Shipley 3200 words Assigned
30 Book II, Chap. VI, Pt. 2 - Description of Lefooga, etc.  Shipley 3200 words Assigned
31 Book II, Chap. VII, Pt. 1 - Friendly Reception at Tongataboo, etc.  Shipley 4800 words Assigned
32 Book II, Chap. VII, Pt. 2 - Friendly Reception at Tongataboo, etc.  Shipley 4800 words Assigned
33 Book II, Chap. VIII, Pt. 1 - Some of the Officers plundered by the Natives, etc.  Shipley 4200 words Assigned
34 Book II, Chap. VIII, Pt. 2 - Some of the Officers plundered by the Natives, etc.  Shipley 4200 words Assigned
35 Book II, Chap. IX, Pt. 1 - A grand Solemnity called NATCHE, in Honour of the King’s Son, performed. etc.  Shipley 4300 words Assigned
36 Book II, Chap. IX, Pt. 2 - A grand Solemnity called NATCHE, in Honour of the King’s Son, performed. etc.  Shipley 4300 words Assigned
37 Book II, Chap. X, Pt. 1 - Advantages derived from visiting the Friendly Islands, etc.  Shipley 3600 words Assigned
38 Book II, Chap. X, Pt. 2 - Advantages derived from visiting the Friendly Islands, etc.  Shipley 3600 words Assigned
39 Book II, Chap. XI, Pt. 1 - Employments of the Women at the Friendly Islands, etc.  Shipley 4400 words Assigned
40 Book II, Chap. XI, Pt. 2 - Employments of the Women at the Friendly Islands, etc.  Shipley 4400 words Assigned