Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

69 of 70 (99%) sections assigned

61 of 70 (87%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: Kitty

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 4th Footman, Act 1   Open
2 Alpiew, Woman to Lady Reveller, Act 1  WoollyLambda Claimed until 18 May Assigned
3 Alpiew, Woman to Lady Reveller, Act 2  WoollyLambda Assigned
4 Alpiew, Woman to Lady Reveller, Act 3  WoollyLambda Assigned
5 Alpiew, Woman to Lady Reveller, Act 5  WoollyLambda Assigned
6 Act 4  ToddHW 28:08 Listen PL OK
7 Act 1  ToddHW Assigned
8 Stage Directions, Act 1  Inkell Listen PL OK
9 Buckle, footman to Lord Worthy, Act 1  mcalvo Reads Prologue Listen PL OK
10 1st Footman, Act 1  AgnesRobert Listen PL OK
11 Lord Worthy, in love with Lady Reveller, a Hater of Gaming, Act 1  GregGiordano Listen PL OK
12 Sir James Courtly, an airy Gentleman, given to Gaming, Act 1  ToddHW Remember that Hearty is Firebrand throughout. (p211) Listen PL OK
13 5th Footman, Act 1  Salvationist Listen PL OK
14 Footman, Act 1  alanmapstone includes voice within, which was assigned to Lady Reveller Listen PL OK
15 Sir Richard Plainman, formerly a Citizen, but now lives in Covent-Garden, a great Lover of a Soldier, and an inveterate Enemy to the French, Act 1  silverquill Listen PL OK
16 Lady Lucy, her cousin, a religious sober Lady, Act 1  mleigh Listen PL OK
17 Lady Reveller, a Coquetish Widow, that keeps a Basset-Table, Act 1  valroth Please add The Voice Within for Act 1, page 203/204. Listen PL OK
18 2nd Footman, Act 1  lorda Listen PL OK
19 Lovely, an Ensign, in love with Valeria, Act 1  HelloCentral Called "Ensign" initially in script; later "Lovely". Listen PL OK
20 3rd Footman, Act 1  redrun Listen PL OK
21 Porter, Act 1  StaceyM2022 Listen PL OK
22 Act 2  ToddHW p212 Assigned
23 Stage Directions, Act 2  Inkell Listen PL OK
24 Mrs. Sago, the Drugster's Wife, a gaming profuse Woman, great with my Lady Reveller, in Love with Sir James, Act 2  Kitty Listen PL OK
25 Servant, Act 2  AgnesRobert Listen PL OK
26 Lady Reveller, a Coquetish Widow, that keeps a Basset-Table, Act 2  valroth Listen PL OK
27 Buckle, footman to Lord Worthy, Act 2  mcalvo Listen PL OK
28 Sago, a Drugster in the City, very fond of his Wife, Act 2  Beeswaxcandle Listen PL OK
29 Captain Firebrand, a Sea Officer, designed by Sir Richard to marry Valeria, Act 2  adrianstephens Dramatis Personae in text calls him Hearty, but script says Firebrand. Remember that Hearty is Firebrand throughout. Listen PL OK
30 Lord Worthy, in love with Lady Reveller, a Hater of Gaming, Act 2  GregGiordano Listen PL OK
31 Sir Richard Plainman, formerly a Citizen, but now lives in Covent-Garden, a great Lover of a Soldier, and an inveterate Enemy to the French, Act 2  silverquill Listen PL OK
32 Valeria, a philosophical Girl, Daughter to Sir Richard, in Love with Lovely, Act 2  jennlea Listen PL OK
33 Act 3  ToddHW p226 Assigned
34 Stage Directions, Act 3  Inkell Listen PL OK
35 Mrs. Sago, the Drugster's Wife, a gaming profuse Woman, great with my Lady Reveller, in Love with Sir James, Act 3  Kitty Listen PL OK
36 Buckle, footman to Lord Worthy, Act 3  mcalvo Listen PL OK
37 Lady Reveller, a Coquetish Widow, that keeps a Basset-Table, Act 3  valroth Listen PL OK
38 Lord Worthy, in love with Lady Reveller, a Hater of Gaming, Act 3  GregGiordano Listen PL OK
39 Sir James Courtly, an airy Gentleman, given to Gaming, Act 3  ToddHW Listen PL OK
40 Sir Richard Plainman, formerly a Citizen, but now lives in Covent-Garden, a great Lover of a Soldier, and an inveterate Enemy to the French, Act 3  silverquill Listen PL OK
41 Lady Lucy, her cousin, a religious sober Lady, Act 3  mleigh file wrongly named - this is act 3 Listen PL OK
42 Valeria, a philosophical Girl, Daughter to Sir Richard, in Love with Lovely, Act 3  jennlea Listen PL OK
43 Lovely, an Ensign, in love with Valeria, Act 3  HelloCentral Listen PL OK
44 Stage Directions, Act 4  Inkell Put into master file Listen PL OK
45 Mrs. Sago, the Drugster's Wife, a gaming profuse Woman, great with my Lady Reveller, in Love with Sir James, Act 4  Kitty Don't miss "All the Women" line on p247. Put into master file Listen PL OK
46 Lady Reveller, a Coquetish Widow, that keeps a Basset-Table, Act 4  valroth Don't miss "All the Women" line on p247. Put into master file Listen PL OK
47 Captain Firebrand, a Sea Officer, designed by Sir Richard to marry Valeria, Act 4  adrianstephens Put into master file Listen PL OK
48 Banker, Act 4  alanmapstone Put into master file Listen PL OK
49 Lord Worthy, in love with Lady Reveller, a Hater of Gaming, Act 4  GregGiordano Put into master file Listen PL OK
50 Sir James Courtly, an airy Gentleman, given to Gaming, Act 4  ToddHW Put into master file Listen PL OK
51 Sir Richard Plainman, formerly a Citizen, but now lives in Covent-Garden, a great Lover of a Soldier, and an inveterate Enemy to the French, Act 4  silverquill Put into master file Listen PL OK
52 Lady Lucy, her cousin, a religious sober Lady, Act 4  mleigh file wrongly named - this is act 4 Put into master file Listen PL OK
53 Valeria, a philosophical Girl, Daughter to Sir Richard, in Love with Lovely, Act 4  jennlea Put into master file Listen PL OK
54 Stranger, Act 4  Salvationist Put into master file Listen PL OK
55 Lovely, an Ensign, in love with Valeria, Act 4  HelloCentral Put into master file Listen PL OK
56 Sharper, Act 4  redrun Put into master file Listen PL OK
57 Act 5  ToddHW p248 Assigned
58 Stage Directions, Act 5  Inkell Listen PL OK
59 Mrs. Sago, the Drugster's Wife, a gaming profuse Woman, great with my Lady Reveller, in Love with Sir James, Act 5  Kitty Listen PL OK
60 Buckle, footman to Lord Worthy, Act 5  mcalvo Listen PL OK
61 Lady Reveller, a Coquetish Widow, that keeps a Basset-Table, Act 5  valroth Called "Lady" initially in script; later "L. Revel" Listen PL OK
62 Sago, a Drugster in the City, very fond of his Wife, Act 5  Beeswaxcandle Listen PL OK
63 Captain Firebrand, a Sea Officer, designed by Sir Richard to marry Valeria, Act 5  adrianstephens Reads Epilogue Listen PL OK
64 Lord Worthy, in love with Lady Reveller, a Hater of Gaming, Act 5  GregGiordano Listen PL OK
65 Officers, Act 5  ej400 Initially called "Bailiffs", then "Officers" in script Listen PL OK
66 Sir James Courtly, an airy Gentleman, given to Gaming, Act 5  ToddHW Listen PL OK
67 Sir Richard Plainman, formerly a Citizen, but now lives in Covent-Garden, a great Lover of a Soldier, and an inveterate Enemy to the French, Act 5  silverquill Listen PL OK
68 Lady Lucy, her cousin, a religious sober Lady, Act 5  mleigh Listen PL OK
69 Valeria, a philosophical Girl, Daughter to Sir Richard, in Love with Lovely, Act 5  jennlea Listen PL OK
70 Lovely, an Ensign, in love with Valeria, Act 5  HelloCentral Listen PL OK