Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

16 of 16 (100%) sections assigned

16 of 16 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: Rapunzelina

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 The first Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
2 The second Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
3 The third Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
4 The fourth Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
5 The fifth Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
6 The sixth Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
7 The seventh Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
8 The eighth Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
9 The ninth Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
10 The tenth Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
11 The eleventh Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
12 The twelfth Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
13 The thirteenth Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
14 The fourteenth Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
15 The fifteenth Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK
16 The sixteenth Satyr  nicholashillier PL OK