Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

11 of 11 (100%) sections assigned

11 of 11 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: ej400

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Introduction  StaceyM2022 PL OK
1 Chapter 1 - The First English Hero  Winnifred PL OK
2 Chapter 2 - Welsh Magic  TalesSpoken PL OK
3 Chapter 3 - The Battle at the Ford  Belladana24 PL OK
4 Chapter 4 - Caedmon the Cowherd  ElizaCopnall PL OK
5 Chapter 5 - The Shepherd of Lauderdale  JimmyO PL OK
6 Chapter 6 - The Boy Who Won a Prize  Parisjim PL OK
7 Chapter 7 - A Fisherman's Boy  AgnesRobert PL OK
8 Chapter 8 - The Werewolf  DetectiveC PL OK
9 Chapter 9 - At Geoffrey's Window  ToddHW PL OK
10 Chapter 10 - A Famous Kitchen Boy  JonnyO PL OK