Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

16 of 16 (100%) sections assigned

16 of 16 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: brownrottger

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Preface  Owlivia PL OK
1 Introduction  Owlivia PL OK
2 Scenery  Owlivia PL OK
3 Inhabitants 1: Human, Living and Dead  Owlivia PL OK
4 Inhabitants: Dead, continued  Owlivia PL OK
5 Inhabitants: Dead, continued  Owlivia PL OK
6 Inhabitants: Dead, continued  Owlivia PL OK
7 Inhabitants 2: Non-Human  Owlivia PL OK
8 Inhabitants 2: Non-Human, continued, Elemental Essences, Kamarupas of Animals  Owlivia PL OK
9 Inhabitants 2: Non-Human, Nature Spirits  Owlivia PL OK
10 Inhabitants 2: Non-Human, The Devas  Owlivia PL OK
11 Inhabitants: 3: Artificial, Elementals formed Unconsciously  Owlivia PL OK
12 Inhabitants 3: Artificial, Continued, Elementals formed Consciously  Owlivia PL OK
13 Phenomena  Owlivia PL OK
14 Phenomena, Continued  Owlivia PL OK
15 Conclusion  Owlivia PL OK