Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

18 of 18 (100%) sections assigned

18 of 18 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: KevinS

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 The Calabrian Inn  BritishNickVO PL OK
2 A Suspicious Character  Hatch22 PL OK
3 Bitter Words  Hatch22 PL OK
4 Separation  Cbteddy PL OK
5 Rough Company  mummibee PL OK
6 The Robber’s Cave  IonaMuirgel2002 PL OK
7 Music and Madness  oregonbill PL OK
8 A Dash for Freedom  oregonbill PL OK
9 Anxious Hours  thecreativeweaver PL OK
10 The Lone Sentinel  MuirneEWallace PL OK
11 The Orphan’s Tale  MuirneEWallace PL OK
12 How the Light was Lit  oregonbill PL OK
13 Failure  oregonbill PL OK
14 Tidings  thecreativeweaver PL OK
15 Onwards  thecreativeweaver PL OK
16 A Perilous Path  oregonbill PL OK
17 One Effort More  oregonbill PL OK
18 Victory  baxterphil PL OK