Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

32 of 32 (100%) sections assigned

32 of 32 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: ej400

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Preface  TedL PL OK
1 The Voyage Out  TedL PL OK
2 The City of Monte Video  TedL PL OK
3 The City of Rio De Janeiro  LUIOP PL OK
4 The War in Paraguay  TedL PL OK
5 The Province of San Paulo  TedL PL OK
6 The San Paulo Railway  TedL PL OK
7 The City of San Paulo  LUIOP PL OK
8 San Paulo to Santos and Rio De Janeiro  Obel PL OK
9 Trip to Juiz De Fora. - The Dom Pedro Segundo Railway  Cbteddy PL OK
10 Rio De Janeiro to the River Plate  mpinedag PL OK
11 City of Buenos Ayres  mpinedag PL OK
12 Buenos Ayres to Colonia.—Estanzuella  mpinedag PL OK
13 Trip on the Central Argentine Railway  DrSpoke PL OK
14 The Western Railway of Buenos Ayres  JimmyO PL OK
15 Buenos Ayres - Second Notice  JimmyO PL OK
16 Progress of Steam Navigation on La Plata  mpinedag PL OK
17 Railways in the River Plate  mpinedag PL OK
18 Emigration to Brazil  mpinedag PL OK
19 Emigration to the River Plate  venkatakaravadi PL OK
20 Railways in Brazil  Cbteddy PL OK
21 Commerce of Brazil and the River Plate  Cbteddy PL OK
22 The River Amazon  JimmyO PL OK
23 Telegraphic Communication  silverquill PL OK
24 Religious Institutions  silverquill PL OK
25 The Affluents of La Plata  silverquill PL OK
26 The Republic of Paraguay  tac107 PL OK
27 Brazilian Currency  tac107 PL OK
28 Argentine Finances  czandra PL OK
29 Town and Harbour of Santos  KevinS PL OK
30 Mr. Perkins of Emigration  mpinedag PL OK
31 My Voyage Home  mpinedag PL OK