Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

55 of 55 (100%) sections assigned

55 of 55 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: msfry

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Proem (Preface) - The Past - Bruno; The Present - Ingersoll; and The Future - The Child  msfry PL OK
1 I. Introduction  msfry PL OK
2 II. The Three Voyages - Columbus, Vasco de Gama, and Magellan  RitaBoutros PL OK
3 III. Before Columbus  RitaBoutros PL OK
4 IV. Astronomy  barleyguy PL OK
5 V. The Reformation  silverquill PL OK
6 VI.1 Philosophy: Bruno  silverquill PL OK
7 VI.2 Philosophy: Spinoza  silverquill PL OK
8 VII.1 Minor Philosophers: Pomponazzi  RitaBoutros PL OK
9 VII.2 Minor Philosophers: Telesio, Campanella, Vanini  Cbteddy PL OK
10 VIII.1 The Critical Philosophy: Descartes, Hobbs & Locke  msfry PL OK
11 VIII.2 The Critical Philosophy: Hume & Kant  TedL PL OK
12 VIII.3 The Critical Philosophy: Hamilton  TedL PL OK
13 VIII.4 The Critical Philosophy: Comte  ovoe PL OK
14 IX. The Final Scientific Answer - Monism  RitaBoutros PL OK
15 X.1 Education and Ethics: Bacon  Kari1963 PL OK
16 X.2 Education and Ethics: Comenius, Pestalozzi  RitaBoutros PL OK
17 X.3 Education and Ethics: Froebel & Combe  TedL PL OK
18 X.4 Education and Ethics: Herbert Spencer & Huxley  TedL PL OK
19 X.5 Education and Ethics: Holyoake  RitaBoutros PL OK
20 X.6 Education and Ethics: Owen & Haeckel  TedL PL OK
21 XI.1 Literature: Provencal  TedL PL OK
22 XI.2 Literature: Rabelais, Montaigne & Cervantes  jenno PL OK
23 XI.3 Literature:Mysteries and Moralities, Marlow  Kari1963 PL OK
24 XI.4 Literature: Shakespere  Kari1963 PL OK
25 XII Gibbon  TedL PL OK
26 XIII.1 Voltaire  CTMJUAN PL OK
27 XIII.2 How Voltaire Died  CTMJUAN PL OK
28 XIII.3 Rousseau, Diderot, the Paris Salon  crystalpenny PL OK
29 XIII.4 The French Revolution  tac107 PL OK
30 XIII.5 Thomas Paine  Kari1963 PL OK
31 XIII.6 Condorcet, Volney  KevinS PL OK
32 XIV.1 Shelley-Goethe Era  msfry PL OK
33 XIV.2 Shakesperean Era (Homer, Virgil & Milton)  Kari1963 PL OK
34 XIV.3 Modern Poets (Burns, Wordsworth, Scott, Keats, Byron, Lessing, Schiller & Goethe)  msfry PL OK
35 XV. Geology - Age of Man; Age of Earth; Order of Evolution  barleyguy PL OK
36 XVI.1 Evolution - What is Evolution?  RitaBoutros PL OK
37 XVI.2 Evolution - Methods & Proofs  RitaBoutros PL OK
38 XVI.3 Evolution - Results - Religion - Morality, Progress  RitaBoutros PL OK
39 XVII.1 Modern Europe - Politics (Kossuth, Mazzini)  TedL PL OK
40 XVII.2 Modern Europe - Politics (Garibaldi & Proudhon)  TedL PL OK
41 XVII.3 Modern Europe - Politics (Bakounine, Marx, Lassalle & Gambetta)  TedL PL OK
42 XVII.4 Modern Europe - Politics (Oasteler & Bradlaugh)  TedL PL OK
43 XVIII.1 Modern European Literature: Realism (Tennyson & Swinburne)  Beeswaxcandle PL OK
44 XVIII.2 Modern European Literature: France and Scandanavia: (Massey, Hugo, Zola & Ibsen)  Beeswaxcandle PL OK
45 XVIII.3 Modern European Literature: Russia (Pushkin, Gogol, Turgeneff, Tolstoi & Tchernychewsky)  Beeswaxcandle PL OK
46 XVIII.4 Modern European Literature: Science and Philosophy (Huxley, Tyndale, Mill, Bentham, Humboldt, Heine & Buchner  Beeswaxcandle PL OK
47 XIX.1 America Before the Civil War - Paine and Jefferson  msfry PL OK
48 XIX.2 America Before the Civil War - William Lloyd Garrison  msfry PL OK
49 XIX.3 America Before the Civil War - Freethought (Bryant, Poe, Thoreau & Emerson)  msfry PL OK
50 XX.1 Woman's Emancipation - the Bible, the Church, the State - Before Christianity  RitaBoutros PL OK
51 XX.2 Woman's Emancipation - Woman Herself  RitaBoutros PL OK
52 XXI.1 America Today - Inside Christianity  tac107 PL OK
53 XXI.2 America Today - Outside Christianity; Walt Whitman  philchenevert PL OK
54 XX1.3 America Today - Outside Christianity; Ingersoll  tac107 PL OK