Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

10 of 10 (100%) sections assigned

10 of 10 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: czandra

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Anonymous - The Forgotten Nation of the Eastern Europe (the Ruthenian Question)  czandra PL OK
2 George Raffalovich - The Conquest of Galicia  pratibhanair PL OK
3 Alexander von Nuber - The Menace of the Great Bear  pratibhanair PL OK
4 George Raffalovich - The war in Galicia  life PL OK
5 Various - Protest of the Ukrainians  life PL OK
6 George Raffalovich - The Ukraine and the Small Nations  Cormax PL OK
7 Dr. Samuel Max Melamed - Hopes of the Little Peoples of Russia. Part 1  mpinedag PL OK
8 Dr. Samuel Max Melamed - Hopes of the Little Peoples of Russia. Part 2  mpinedag PL OK
9 Anonymous - Protests Russian rule in Galicia  Cormax PL OK
10 Anonymous - Woman Bears Sword in Army of Austia  czandra PL OK