Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

10 of 10 (100%) sections assigned

10 of 10 (100%) sections completed

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 The School for Wives Criticised by Moliere  ToddHW alanmapstone GregGiordano Kitty jennlea WendyKatzHiller JHedrick JoeBer PL OK
2 The Loan of a Lover by J.R. Planche  alanmapstone GregGiordano WiltedScribe ktaylor07 JHedrick redrun Butterflier38 PL OK
3 Poor Jack by James Branch Cabell  Availle alanmapstone GregGiordano ktaylor07 JHedrick PL OK
4 Gentlemen Boarders by Arthur Eckersley  GregGiordano silverquill jennlea WendyKatzHiller miaroy PL OK
5 Mansions by Hildegarde Flanner  stepheather GregGiordano redrun Sylphwyld PL OK
6 Augustus Does his Bit by George Bernard Shaw  alanmapstone PL OK
7 The Birthmark, by Jack London  Availle GregGiordano flavo5000 redrun PL OK
8 A Wicked Woman, by Jack London  GregGiordano Kitty jennlea JHedrick flavo5000 redrun Roboshiflo PL OK
9 The Reckoning by Percival Wilde  stepheather GregGiordano OooThatsNifty redrun PL OK
10 The Game of Chess by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman  alanmapstone GregGiordano WiltedScribe JHedrick Inkell PL OK