Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

16 of 16 (100%) sections assigned

16 of 16 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: aniroo

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Introduction  icequeen PL OK
1 I: Blake, Hogg, Hood, Cowper, Wordsworth, Scott, Campbell, Drayton, Marvell  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK
2 II: Cowper, Campbell, Longfellow, Goldsmith, Scott  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK
3 III: Browning, Scott, Burns, Moore, Anonymous, Byron, Shakespeare, Landor  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK
4 IV: Anonymous, Poe, Jonson, Scott, Byron, Keats, Hood, Collins, Herrick, Wordsworth, Sidney, Cowper, Shakespeare, Wolfe, Lovelace  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK
5 V: Scottish Minstrelsy, Poe, Wolfe, Scott, Byron, Surtees, Wordsworth, Lovelace, Lamb, Collins, Unknown  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK
6 VI: Scott, Longfellow, Dryden, Marlowe, Elliott, Poe, Coleridge, Milton  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK
7 VII: Milton, Scott, Shelley, Lindsay, Unknown, Wordsworth, Macaulay, Ancient English  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK
8 VIII: Wotton, Anonymous, Heywood, Shirley, Bryan, Byron, Shakespeare, Nairne, Marvell, Moore, Longfellow, Peacock, Shelley, Scott, Wordsworth  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK
9 IX: Poe, Hogg, Shakespeare, Mickle, Shelley, Barnefield, Nashe, Macaulay, Scott  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK
10 X: Coleridge  Ciufi LCaulkins PL OK
11 XI: Poe, Gray, Scott, Scottish Border Minstrelsy, Campbell  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK
12 XII: Macaulay, Anonyous, Keats Lamb, Dibdin, WOrdsworth, Bunyan, Cowper  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK
13 XIII: Scott, Burn, Cowper, Scottish Border Minstrelsy, Milton  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK
14 XIV: Gray, Milton, Keats, Coleridge  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK
15 XV: Wordsworth, Anonymous, Cowper  silverquill Ciufi LCaulkins JVoxMachina PL OK