Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

25 of 25 (100%) sections assigned

25 of 25 (100%) sections completed

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Author's Note and Prologue  Elroi PL OK
1 By The Waters of Death Creek  Elroi PL OK
2 Sir Andrew D’Arcy  Elroi PL OK
3 The Knighting of the Brethren  Elroi PL OK
4 The Letter of Saladin  Elroi PL OK
5 The Wine Merchant  Elroi PL OK
6 The Christmas Feast at Steeple  Elroi PL OK
7 The Banner of Saladin  Elroi PL OK
8 The Widow Masouda  Elroi PL OK
9 The Horses Flame and Smoke  Elroi PL OK
10 On Board the Galley  Elroi PL OK
11 The City of Al-Je-Bal  Elroi PL OK
12 The Lord of Death  Elroi PL OK
13 The Embassy  Elroi PL OK
14 The Combat on the Bridge  Elroi PL OK
15 The Flight to Emesa  Elroi PL OK
16 The Sultan Saladin  Elroi PL OK
17 The Brethren Depart from Damascus  Elroi PL OK
18 Wulf Pays for the Drugged Wine  Elroi PL OK
19 Before the Walls of Ascalon  Elroi PL OK
20 The Luck of the Star of Hassan  Elroi PL OK
21 What Befell Godwin  Elroi PL OK
22 At Jerusalem  Elroi PL OK
23 Saint Rosamund  Elroi PL OK
24 The Dregs of the Cup  Elroi PL OK