Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

13 of 13 (100%) sections assigned

13 of 13 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: wib66

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 How Nibble Rescued the Red Cow  mleigh PL OK
2 Why Tommy ’Most Lost His Temper  mleigh PL OK
3 The Red Cow’s Secret  mleigh PL OK
4 Why Louie Thomson Didn’t Enjoy His Visit  Katgirl576 PL OK
5 Nibble Tells One Secret and Hears Another  mleigh PL OK
6 A Game of Tag in Tommy’s Barn  Katgirl576 PL OK
7 The White Cow Begins a Story  loon PL OK
8 How the Man’s Wife Made the Compact with the Cows  loon PL OK
9 How a Bunny Undertook to Hunt a Fox  dustman33 PL OK
10 The Wicked Plot of the Bad Little Owls  Katgirl576 PL OK
11 Why the Little Owls’ Plans Went Wrong  mleigh PL OK
12 How Long Ears Heard Bad News  JHedrick PL OK
13 How the Great Hunt Ended  JHedrick PL OK