Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

10 of 10 (100%) sections assigned

10 of 10 (100%) sections completed

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Re-Taming of the Shrew: A Shakespearean Travesty in One Act by John W. Postgate  ToddHW alanmapstone silverquill WiltedScribe Kalamareader jennlea mleigh WendyKatzHiller AngeliqueAnja awonski JoannaHoyt JHedrick PL OK
2 The Jealousy of Le Barbouille by Moliere, translated by Charles Heron Wall  ToddHW alanmapstone GregGiordano silverquill Kitty WiltedScribe ktaylor07 awonski JoannaHoyt PL OK
3 A Photographic Fix by Frederic Hay  Availle ToddHW SonOfTheExiles Kitty Andrewjames WendyKatzHiller PL OK
4 Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady by J.R. Planche  GregGiordano silverquill adrianstephens EltonTheSnowman ktaylor07 cavaet EliseDee Andrewjames Tchaikovsky briannag PL OK
5 The Roadhouse in Arden by Philip Moeller (died 1958)  ToddHW GregGiordano iBeScotty jennlea mleigh JoannaHoyt DavidMoon PL OK
6 In the Shadow of the Glen by John Millington Synge  Availle Algy Pug alanmapstone WiltedScribe AngeliqueAnja PL OK
7 The Last Rehearsal by Irene Jean Crandall  ToddHW WiltedScribe benderca jennlea OooThatsNifty lindapwebster PL OK
8 The Trysting Place: A Farce in One Act by Booth Tarkington  ToddHW Rapunzelina silverquill WiltedScribe JtotheP716 Andrewjames mleigh ManVoiceBabyFace JoannaHoyt PL OK
9 The Diabolical Circle by Beulah Bornstead  ToddHW wib66 GregGiordano silverquill JoannaHoyt PL OK
10 Spreading the News by Augusta Gregory  Availle Algy Pug ToddHW wib66 alanmapstone GregGiordano Kitty Kalamareader WendyKatzHiller JoannaHoyt JHedrick PL OK