Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

25 of 25 (100%) sections assigned

25 of 25 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: adr6090

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Preface  KevinS PL OK
1 At Homes  ymdht PL OK
2 Bachelor Hosts  Falcon PL OK
3 Balls  RuthP PL OK
4 Breakfasts  RuthP PL OK
5 Calls  Lydia19 PL OK
6 Cards  dnce17 PL OK
7 Dinners  Mayah92 PL OK
8 Garden-Parties  vvocelli PL OK
9 House-Parties  Lmnei PL OK
10 Introductions  CharlotteA PL OK
11 Letters  inspri07 PL OK
12 Luncheons  Lmnei PL OK
13 Mourning  OooThatsNifty PL OK
14 Musicales  jennlea PL OK
15 Opera  jennlea PL OK
16 Private Theatricals  OooThatsNifty PL OK
17 Receptions  stoogeswoman PL OK
18 Smoking  stoogeswoman PL OK
19 Stairs  stoogeswoman PL OK
20 Street Etiquette  nlemal PL OK
21 Table Manners  vvocelli PL OK
22 Teas  vvocelli PL OK
23 Theater-Parties  OooThatsNifty PL OK
24 Weddings  Lmnei PL OK