Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

14 of 14 (100%) sections assigned

14 of 14 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: Jmbau13

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Introduction  KevinS PL OK
1 Chapter I - Prologue: The Coming of Angelica  npfehr PL OK
2 Chapter II - The Fountain of Hate and the River of Love  npfehr PL OK
3 Chapter III - Rodomont and the Invasion of Europe by the Saracens  WilkieMills PL OK
4 Chapter IV - First Meeting of Rogero and Bradamant  LHardie PL OK
5 Chapter V - Angelica, the Hermit and the Orc  jenno PL OK
6 Chapter VI - The Marriage of Angelica and the Madness of Orlando  jenno PL OK
7 Chapter VII - Mandricardo and Doralis  jenno PL OK
8 Chapter VIII - Zerbino and Isabella  jenno PL OK
9 Chapter IX - Rodomont and Isabella  jenno PL OK
10 Chapter X - Astolpho Restores His Senses to Orlando  jenno PL OK
11 Chapter XI - The Combat in Lipadusa: Three Against Three  LHardie PL OK
12 Chapter XII - Rogero and Leo and Bradamant  jenno PL OK
13 Chapter XIII - The Marriage of Bradamant  jenno PL OK