Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

40 of 40 (100%) sections assigned

40 of 40 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: lomond

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Puss in Boots, Jr., Begins His Travels  silverquill PL OK
2 A Visit to Piggie's Mamma  silverquill PL OK
3 Puss Sees the Cow Jump Over the Moon  kwpapke PL OK
4 Puss Meets Yankee Doodle Dandy  kwpapke PL OK
5 Puss Sings a Song and Helps a Beggar  melissa412 PL OK
6 Puss Follows Wee Willie Winkie  kwpapke PL OK
7 Puss, Jr., Meets Three Jolly Welshmen and the Queen of Hearts  julianpratley PL OK
8 Puss Learns Where His Father Is and Receives a Tart from the Queen  julianpratley PL OK
9 Puss Crosses a Wonderful Bridge  julianpratley PL OK
10 Puss in Boots, Jr., Visits the Old Woman in the Shoe  verycherrey PL OK
11 Puss, Jr., Joins the Circus  verycherrey PL OK
12 Puss, Jr., Proves to Be a Wonderful Circus Performer  verycherrey PL OK
13 A Terrible Fight Stopped by Using Plum-cake  verycherrey PL OK
14 Puss, Jr., Meets Another Cat and Moralizes on Contentment  verycherrey PL OK
15 Puss Meets Mother Goose  verycherrey PL OK
16 Tripping with the Stars  verycherrey PL OK
17 Puss Finds Adventure at the Top of Jack's Famous Bean-stalk  verycherrey PL OK
18 Puss Discovers Where Jack Is Hiding  verycherrey PL OK
19 Puss and Jack Make a Bold Rescue  verycherrey PL OK
20 Puss, Jr., Meets Mr. Rowley Frog  verycherrey PL OK
21 Puss Is Heartily Welcomed by Jack the Jumper  kwpapke PL OK
22 Old King Cole's Fiddlers Are Rather Rude to Puss  kwpapke PL OK
23 The Miller of the Dee  kwpapke PL OK
24 Puss, Jr., Renders a Mother Aid  jasonb PL OK
25 The Milkman's Horse, Old Naggetty Nogg  jasonb PL OK
26 Who Is a Man's Most Faithful Friend?  Katemull PL OK
27 Puss Buys a Pair of Boots Made for His Famous Sire  jennlea PL OK
28 Puss Meets a Modest Mending Man and a Jolly Miller  jennlea PL OK
29 Puss Overhears a Proposal and Is Invited to a Wedding  jennlea PL OK
30 Puss and Several Acquaintances Journey to the Wedding  jennlea PL OK
31 The Guests Arrive Safely at the Wedding  jennlea PL OK
32 Puss Is Welcomed at the Wedding  jennlea PL OK
33 The Bride Receives Some Handsome Presents  jennlea PL OK
34 Puss Makes a New Friend and Gains a Steed  kwpapke PL OK
35 Puss Meets a Hunter and They Both Learn that the Owl Is a Useful Bird  BourbonReader PL OK
36 Puss Goes on a Shopping Trip to Make a Little Maid Happy  Nedge PL OK
37 Puss Converses with an Intelligent Gray Donkey  Nedge PL OK
38 Puss Meets a Happy Farmer but Misses a Good Meal  Nedge PL OK
39 Puss Helps a Stranger Catch a Runaway Pig  Nedge PL OK
40 Puss Helps a Little Boy Who Is in Trouble  Nedge PL OK