Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

24 of 25 (96%) sections assigned

25 of 25 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: Twinkle88

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Dramatis Personae   PL OK
1 Chapter 1: The Catastrophe  thestorygirl RobMarland silverquill ej400 NishthaRocks Unicorn junerinMJ JayKitty76 Minn LCaulkins Seaquill AdamBielka JazzyGirl PL OK
2 Chapter 2: Two Penitents  Elizabby ej400 benderca lorda Unicorn LCaulkins PL OK
3 Chapter 3: Ward No. 1  thestorygirl RobMarland ej400 rieyrules benderca Unicorn Minn LCaulkins Seaquill AdamBielka PL OK
4 Chapter 4: Ward No. 2  Elizabby thestorygirl benderca Unicorn JayKitty76 LCaulkins PL OK
5 Chapter 5: Secrets  Elizabby thestorygirl benderca Unicorn JayKitty76 LCaulkins Seaquill PL OK
6 Chapter 6: Surprises  Elizabby thestorygirl alanmapstone ej400 benderca Unicorn JayKitty76 LikeManyWaters Minn LCaulkins Seaquill AdamBielka PL OK
7 Chapter 7: Jill's Mission  Elizabby ej400 benderca Unicorn LCaulkins Seaquill PL OK
8 Chapter 8: Merry and Molly  thestorygirl ToddHW silverquill JayKitty76 LikeManyWaters BetsyWalker adrianstephens LCaulkins AdamBielka PL OK
9 Chapter 9: The Debating Club  alanmapstone RobMarland silverquill ej400 benderca DanyeloGuanyeza LikeManyWaters BetsyWalker Minn LCaulkins Seaquill AdamBielka PL OK
10 Chapter 10: The Dramatic Club  Elizabby thestorygirl RobMarland ej400 leanneyauyau Twinkle88 rieyrules benderca Unicorn junerinRG JayKitty76 DanyeloGuanyeza Minn LCaulkins Seaquill AdamBielka JazzyGirl PL OK
11 Chapter 11: ''Down Brakes''  Elizabby RobMarland ej400 benderca JayKitty76 DanyeloGuanyeza LCaulkins Seaquill AdamBielka PL OK
12 Chapter 12: The Twenty-Second of February  Elizabby thestorygirl silverquill ej400 leanneyauyau Twinkle88 benderca lorda NishthaRocks junerinRG junerinMJ JayKitty76 DanyeloGuanyeza LikeManyWaters BetsyWalker adrianstephens LCaulkins SCaulkins AdamBielka JazzyGirl PL OK
13 Chapter 13: Jack Has a Mystery  GregGiordano RobMarland ej400 benderca Unicorn LCaulkins Seaquill AdamBielka PL OK
14 Chapter 14: And Jill Finds It Out  ej400 benderca Unicorn LCaulkins Seaquill AdamBielka PL OK
15 Chapter 15: Saint Lucy  GregGiordano ej400 benderca Unicorn Minn LCaulkins Seaquill PL OK
16 Chapter 16: Up at Merry's  thestorygirl alanmapstone BetsyWalker AlongsideMom LCaulkins PL OK
17 Chapter 17: Down at Molly's  ToddHW Twinkle88 rieyrules lorda JayKitty76 adrianstephens LCaulkins PL OK
18 Chapter 18: May Baskets  Elizabby thestorygirl alanmapstone ej400 benderca Unicorn junerinMJ JayKitty76 LCaulkins Seaquill AdamBielka PL OK
19 Chapter 19: Good Templars  silverquill ej400 benderca Unicorn LCaulkins Seaquill AdamBielka PL OK
20 Chapter 20: A Sweet Memory  ej400 benderca lorda NishthaRocks Unicorn junerinRG junerinMJ LCaulkins Seaquill AdamBielka PL OK
21 Chapter 21: Pebbly Beach  Elizabby silverquill ej400 benderca memarsh Unicorn LikeManyWaters BLNEW LCaulkins Seaquill PL OK
22 Chapter 22: A Happy Day  ej400 rieyrules lorda Unicorn JayKitty76 LikeManyWaters LCaulkins DerpFlavored Seaquill PL OK
23 Chapter 23: Cattle Show  thestorygirl ej400 benderca Unicorn JayKitty76 LCaulkins Seaquill PL OK
24 Chapter 24: Down the River  thestorygirl alanmapstone ej400 Unicorn junerinRG JayKitty76 LCaulkins DerpFlavored Seaquill AdamBielka PL OK