Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

15 of 15 (100%) sections assigned

15 of 15 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: linny

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 I - The Siege of Castle Mountjoy - part 1  LCaulkins PL OK
2 I - The Siege of Castle Mountjoy - part 2  LCaulkins PL OK
3 II - The Tapping on the Dungeon Wall  LCaulkins PL OK
4 III - Cedric the Forester  LCaulkins PL OK
5 IV - The Champion of Mountjoy  LCaulkins PL OK
6 V - The Festival of the Archers  LCaulkins PL OK
7 VI - Wolf's Head Glen  LCaulkins PL OK
8 VII - The Outlaws of Blackpool  LCaulkins PL OK
9 VIII - The Fortress of the Monkslayer  LCaulkins PL OK
10 IX - Churl and Overlord  LCaulkins PL OK
11 X - The Pass of the Eagles  LCaulkins PL OK
12 XI - By Kimberley Moat  LCaulkins PL OK
13 XII - The Iron Collar  LCaulkins PL OK
14 XIII - On the Road to Runnymede - part 1  LCaulkins PL OK
15 XIII - On the Road to Runnymede - part 2  LCaulkins PL OK