Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

19 of 19 (100%) sections assigned

19 of 19 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: m8b1

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Dedication  Plodmore PL OK
1 In which the Green Overcoat takes a Journey.  Plodmore PL OK
2 In which a Philosopher wrestles with a Problem of Identity.  Plodmore PL OK
3 In which the Green Overcoat appears as a point of religion by not being there.  Plodmore PL OK
4 In which it is seen that University training fits one for a business career.  Plodmore PL OK
5 In which Solitude is unable to discover the charms which Sages have seen in her face.  Plodmore PL OK
6 In which Professor Higginson Begins to Taste the Sweets of Fame.  Plodmore PL OK
7 In which Professor Higginson goes on tasting them.  Plodmore PL OK
8 In which Professor Higginson gets those sweets by the wagon -load, and also hears how Men are Made.  Plodmore PL OK
9 In which the Green Overcoat begins to assert itself.  Plodmore PL OK
10 In which a Descendant of the Crusaders refuses to harbour stolen goods.  Plodmore PL OK
11 In which a Pole is less scrupulous.  Plodmore PL OK
12 In which the Readerkin will, if he has an ounce of brains, begin to catch the inevitable Denoumong of the Imbroglio.  Plodmore PL OK
13 In which the Subliminal Consciousness gives itself away.  Plodmore PL OK
14 In which, incredible as it may seem, a non-Pole has the better of a Pole.  Plodmore PL OK
15 In which three young men eat, and not only eat, but drink.  Plodmore PL OK
16 In which cross-examination is conducted "en echelon," and if you don't know what that means I can't help you.  Plodmore PL OK
17 In which a Professor professes nothing, a Lecture is not delivered, and yet something happens.  Plodmore PL OK
18 In which the Green Overcoat triumphs and comes home.  Plodmore PL OK