Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

17 of 17 (100%) sections assigned

17 of 17 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: Newgatenovelist

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Introduction  pnagami PL OK
2 Ch. 1: St. Hilda  pnagami PL OK
3 Ch. 2: Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent  pnagami PL OK
4 Ch. 3: Jeanne d'Arc, Pt. 1  pnagami PL OK
5 Ch. 3: Jeanne d'Arc, Pt. 2  pnagami PL OK
6 Ch. 4: Margaret Beaufort  pnagami PL OK
7 Ch. 5: Rachel, Lady Russell  pnagami PL OK
8 Ch. 6: Elizabeth Fry  pnagami PL OK
9 Ch. 7: Mary Somerville  pnagami PL OK
10 Ch. 8: Julia Selina Inglis  pnagami PL OK
11 Ch. 9: Florence Nightingale, Pt. 1  pnagami PL OK
12 Ch. 9: Florence Nightingale, Pt. 2  pnagami PL OK
13 Ch. 10: Isabella Bird, afterwards Mrs. Bishop, Pt. 1  pnagami PL OK
14 Ch. 10: Isabella Bird, afterwards Mrs. Bishop, Pt. 2  pnagami PL OK
15 Ch. 11: Sister Dora  pnagami PL OK
16 Ch. 12: Queen Victoria, Pt. 1  pnagami PL OK
17 Ch. 12: Queen Victoria, Pt. 2  pnagami PL OK