Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

99 of 99 (100%) sections assigned

99 of 99 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: m8b1

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Believing and Doing  philchenevert PL OK
2 The Moral Agent  jenno PL OK
3 Conscience  KevinS PL OK
4 Laxity and Scruples  jenno PL OK
5 The Law of God and Its Breach  northstar95 PL OK
6 Sin  2839reader PL OK
7 How to Count Sins  2839reader PL OK
8 Capitol Sins  2839reader PL OK
9 Pride  2839reader PL OK
10 Covetousness  2839reader PL OK
11 Lust  2839reader PL OK
12 Anger  2839reader PL OK
13 Gluttony  2839reader PL OK
14 Drink  silverquill PL OK
15 Envy  johnb2 PL OK
16 Sloth  johnb2 PL OK
17 What We Believe  johnb2 PL OK
18 Why We Believe  johnb2 PL OK
19 Whence Our Belief: Reason  KevinS PL OK
20 Whence Our Belief: Grace and Will  KevinS PL OK
21 How We Believe  silverquill PL OK
22 Faith and Error  davidseeber PL OK
23 The Consistent Believer  davidseeber PL OK
24 Unbelief  northstar95 PL OK
25 How Faith May Be Lost  northstar95 PL OK
26 Hope  silverquill PL OK
27 Love of God  silverquill PL OK
28 Love of Neighbor  silverquill PL OK
29 Prayer  silverquill PL OK
30 Petition  silverquill PL OK
31 Religion  davidseeber PL OK
32 Devotions  KevinS PL OK
33 Idolatry and Superstition  sylviamb PL OK
34 Occultism  silverquill PL OK
35 Christian Science  silverquill PL OK
36 Swearing  sylviamb PL OK
37 Oaths  sylviamb PL OK
38 Vows  sylviamb PL OK
39 The Professional Vow  LindyC PL OK
40 The Profession  Thirsch PL OK
41 The Religious  sylviamb PL OK
42 The Vow of Poverty  sylviamb PL OK
43 The Vow of Obedience  sylviamb PL OK
44 The Vow of Chastity  northstar95 PL OK
45 Blasphemy  northstar95 PL OK
46 Cursing  sylviamb PL OK
47 Profanity  sylviamb PL OK
48 The Law of Rest  johnb2 PL OK
49 The Day of Rest  johnb2 PL OK
50 Keeping the Lord's Day Holy  johnb2 PL OK
51 Worship of Sacrifice  silverquill PL OK
52 Worship of Rest  KevinS PL OK
53 Servile Works  sylviamb PL OK
54 Common Works  sylviamb PL OK
55 Parental Dignity  sylviamb PL OK
56 Filial Respect  sylviamb PL OK
57 Filial Love  sylviamb PL OK
58 Authority and Obedience  sylviamb PL OK
59 Should We Help Our Parents?  northstar95 PL OK
60 Disinterested Love in Parents  northstar95 PL OK
61 Educate the Children  northstar95 PL OK
62 Educational Extravangance  northstar95 PL OK
63 Godless Education  northstar95 PL OK
64 Catholic Schools  nkindja PL OK
65 Some Weak Points in the Catholic School System  nkindja PL OK
66 Correction  nkindja PL OK
67 Justice and Rights  nkindja PL OK
68 Homicide  nkindja PL OK
69 Is Suicide a Sin?  nkindja PL OK
70 Self-Defense  silverquill PL OK
71 Murder Often Sanctioned  silverquill PL OK
72 On the Ethics of War  silverquill PL OK
73 The Massacre of the Innocents  silverquill PL OK
74 Enmity  silverquill PL OK
75 Our Enemies  northstar95 PL OK
76 Immorality  northstar95 PL OK
77 The Sin of Iniquity  silverquill PL OK
78 Wherein Nature is Opposed  silverquill PL OK
79 Hearts  silverquill PL OK
80 Occasions  KevinS PL OK
81 Scandal  KevinS PL OK
82 Not Good to Be Alone  KevinS PL OK
83 A Helping Hand  sylviamb PL OK
84 Thou Shalt Not Steal  northstar95 PL OK
85 Petty Thefts  northstar95 PL OK
86 An Oft Exploited, But Specious Plea  sylviamb PL OK
87 Contumely  KevinS PL OK
88 Defamation  brucek PL OK
89 Detraction  brucek PL OK
90 Calumny  brucek PL OK
91 Rash Judgement  brucek PL OK
92 Mendacity  brucek PL OK
93 Concealing the Truth  sylviamb PL OK
94 Restitution  sylviamb PL OK
95 Undoing the Evil  sylviamb PL OK
96 Paying Back  sylviamb PL OK
97 Getting Rid of Ill-Gotten Goods  sylviamb PL OK
98 What Excuses from Restitution  sylviamb PL OK
99 Debts  sylviamb PL OK