Completed chapters are marked in this color.

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7 of 7 (100%) sections assigned

7 of 7 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: Rapunzelina

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 1. IMPULSES AND CHANGES OF HABITS: Present interest in instincts; impulses as re-organizing.  williamjones PL OK
2 2. PLASTICITY OF IMPULSE: Impulse and education; uprush of impulse; fixed codes  williamjones PL OK
3 3. CHANGING HUMAN NATURE: Habits the inert factor; modification of impulses; war a social function; economic regimes as social products; nature of motives.  williamjones PL OK
4 4. IMPULSE AND CONFLICT OF HABITS: Possibility of social betterment; conservatism.  williamjones PL OK
5 5. CLASSIFICATION OF INSTINCTS: False simplifications; "self-love"; will to power; acquisitive and creative.  williamjones PL OK
6 6. NO SEPARATE INSTINCTS: Uniqueness of acts; possibilities of operation; necessity of play and art; rebelliousness.  williamjones PL OK
7 7. IMPULSE AND THOUGHT  williamjones PL OK