Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

13 of 13 (100%) sections assigned

13 of 13 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: m8b1

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Youth: London, Oxford: 1540-1566  KevinS PL OK
2 The Hours of Unrest: Oxford, Dublin: 1566-1570  johnb2 PL OK
3 Steps Forward: Ireland, 1571  johnb2 PL OK
4 Cheney Again: Douay: 1571  wordwork2 PL OK
5 The Call to Come Up Higher: Douay, Prague: 1571-1573  Zakouraa PL OK
6 The Wished for Dawn: Bohemia: 1573-1579  pmessina PL OK
7 A Long March: Rome, Geneva, Rheims: 1580  wordwork2 PL OK
8 Inhospitable Home: 1580  KevinS PL OK
9 Skirmishing: The English Counties: 1580  ellies PL OK
10 Many Labors: and a Book: 1580  ellies PL OK
11 At Lyford Grange, and After: 1581  pmessina PL OK
12 The Thick of the Fray: 1581  ellies PL OK
13 Victory: December 1, 1581  silverquill PL OK