Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

16 of 16 (100%) sections assigned

16 of 16 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: HZFerr

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Where Bumper came from  Foon PL OK
2 Why Bumper was left at home  ellies PL OK
3 Bumper is sold  ellies PL OK
4 What happened in the dreadful house  adr6090 PL OK
5 Bumper and the red-headed girl  adr6090 PL OK
6 Bumper and Carlo  ellies PL OK
7 Bumper meets the sewer rat  ellies PL OK
8 Bumper runs into a nest of bats  wordwork2 PL OK
9 Bumper escapes on a raft  adr6090 PL OK
10 Bumper sees his first black crow  wordwork2 PL OK
11 Bumper meets a fox  adr6090 PL OK
12 Bumper admired by the birds  ellies PL OK
13 Bumper needs a doctor  wordwork2 PL OK
14 Bumper meets Mr. Bear  msanfaine PL OK
15 Bumper finds his country cousins  ellies PL OK
16 Bumper becomes the white king of the rabbits  Foon PL OK