Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

30 of 30 (100%) sections assigned

30 of 30 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: terrybenn

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Prelude  Annalisa56 PL OK
2 The Houses of Sin  clarksonr PL OK
3 Malaria  clarksonr PL OK
4 The Hour of Ghosts  NemoR PL OK
5 The Verge  clarksonr PL OK
6 Drug  clarksonr PL OK
7 Three Moments  clarksonr PL OK
8 Love in Tears  Lmnei PL OK
9 The Dancer at the Opera  Lmnei PL OK
10 Woman of the Mist  Annalisa56 PL OK
11 Shadows  Foon PL OK
12 Children of Wrath  svonb002 PL OK
13 Fear at Night  Foon PL OK
14 Our Lady of the Fields  NinthProphet PL OK
15 Francis Borgia at Grenada  NinthProphet PL OK
16 Calvary Hill  NinthProphet PL OK
17 Hymn in May  Lmnei PL OK
18 At the Gate of the Year  Lmnei PL OK
19 The Full Moon  Foon PL OK
20 A Silken Ladder  Lmnei PL OK
21 Out of the Cloud  Lmnei PL OK
22 Vale  Foon PL OK
23 The Lonely Women  Lmnei PL OK
24 A Slave of the Street  Lmnei PL OK
25 To an Enemy - When Dying  NemoR PL OK
26 A Prayer  Lmnei PL OK
27 The Rivals  Lmnei PL OK
28 The Voice of the Winds  eidolo PL OK
29 God's Hour  Lmnei PL OK
30 For the End  NemoR PL OK