Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

11 of 11 (100%) sections assigned

11 of 11 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: JorWat

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 The House-Sparrow; A Brave Patriot  silverquill PL OK
2 A Latin Word Square; A Terrible Fish  MickyMe PL OK
3 The Story of Obed, Orah, and the Smoking-Cap  McScotty PL OK
4 Pussy's Kitten  Mmemari PL OK
5 The Boys and Uncle Josh  BettyB PL OK
6 Ships Past and Present  silverquill PL OK
7 The Rabbits' Fete  MickyMe PL OK
8 A Wise Dog; A Fox Went Out in a Hungry Plight; The Lesson of the Bath  JorWat PL OK
9 How This Solid Earth Keeps Changing; Our Post-Office Box  BettyB PL OK
10 Advertisements  BettyB PL OK
11 Puzzle Picture; Throwing Light; Answer to Charade; Answer to the Elephant Puzzle; It Being Dick's Birthday…  McScotty PL OK