Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

26 of 26 (100%) sections assigned

26 of 26 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: HZFerr

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 A Slim Rascal  Lmnei PL OK
2 At the Old Stone Wall  Foon PL OK
3 Master Robin's Lesson  Foon PL OK
4 Hunting a Hole  Foon PL OK
5 Solomon Owl Interrupts  Foon PL OK
6 Mr. Meadow Mouse Escapes  Foon PL OK
7 Paddy Muskrat's Blunder  johnb2 PL OK
8 The Dare  johnb2 PL OK
9 Saving His Feet  johnb2 PL OK
10 Ha! and Ha, Ha!  johnb2 PL OK
11 A Long Race  johnb2 PL OK
12 Winning by a Trick  SterlingBronwyn PL OK
13 Silly Mrs. Hen  SterlingBronwyn PL OK
14 Grumpy Vanishes  johnb2 PL OK
15 The Great Mystery  Lmnei PL OK
16 Guarding the Corncrib  johnb2 PL OK
17 Grumpy's Mistake  johnb2 PL OK
18 Pop! Goes the Weasel  johnb2 PL OK
19 Hiding from Henry Hawk  johnb2 PL OK
20 A Free Ride  johnb2 PL OK
21 A New Suit  2839reader PL OK
22 Grumpy's Threat  2839reader PL OK
23 A Bold Stranger  2839reader PL OK
24 Fur and Feathers  2839reader PL OK
25 Peter Mink's Promise  2839reader PL OK
26 How Grumpy Helped  Lmnei PL OK