Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

30 of 30 (100%) sections assigned

30 of 30 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: pnagami

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Spring - The Rivulet  Newgatenovelist PL OK
2 Spring - Spring and Summer  Newgatenovelist PL OK
3 Spring - The Violet and the Rose  Newgatenovelist PL OK
4 Spring - The Primrose  Newgatenovelist PL OK
5 Spring - Linnet and Lark  Newgatenovelist PL OK
6 Summer - The Bees in the Lime  Newgatenovelist PL OK
7 Summer - The Cornflower  Newgatenovelist PL OK
8 Summer - The Flowing Tide  Newgatenovelist PL OK
9 Summer - The Whisper  Newgatenovelist PL OK
10 Summer - The Heart that Lacks Room  Newgatenovelist PL OK
11 Summer - The Lovers  Newgatenovelist PL OK
12 Summer - The Nightingale  Newgatenovelist PL OK
13 Summer - The Storm  Newgatenovelist PL OK
14 Summer - Baby Eyes  Newgatenovelist PL OK
15 Summer - The Bindweed  Newgatenovelist PL OK
16 Autumn - The Heather  Newgatenovelist PL OK
17 Autumn - The Pine  Newgatenovelist PL OK
18 Autumn - Late Roses  Newgatenovelist PL OK
19 Autumn - The Brambles  Newgatenovelist PL OK
20 Autumn - We Two  Newgatenovelist PL OK
21 Autumn - We Two  Newgatenovelist PL OK
22 Autumn - The Apple Orchard  Newgatenovelist PL OK
23 Winter - The Snows  Newgatenovelist PL OK
24 Winter - The Holly  Newgatenovelist PL OK
25 Winter - The Graveyard  Newgatenovelist PL OK
26 Winter - The Frozen River  Newgatenovelist PL OK
27 Winter - The Daughter  Newgatenovelist PL OK
28 Winter - We Two  Newgatenovelist PL OK
29 Winter - We Two  Newgatenovelist PL OK
30 Winter - The Flowers to Come  Newgatenovelist PL OK