Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

27 of 27 (100%) sections assigned

27 of 27 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: Melora

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 The War Literature of the “Century” is very Confusing  ABanner PL OK
2 I Am Rudely Awakened from Dreams of Home  ABanner PL OK
3 I Describe a Deadly Encounter  ABanner PL OK
4 I Yearn for a Furlough  ABanner PL OK
5 The Funeral of the Colored Cook  ABanner PL OK
6 I Capture “Jeff”  ABanner PL OK
7 “Boots and Saddles”  ABanner PL OK
8 Three Days Without Food!  ABanner PL OK
9 Bacon and Hard-tack  ABanner PL OK
10 Yearnings for Military Fame  ABanner PL OK
11 I am Detailed to Build a Bridge  ABanner PL OK
12 I am Instructed to Capture and Search a Female Smuggler  ABanner PL OK
13 The Female Smuggler Episode Makes Me Famous  ABanner PL OK
14 Military Attire  ABanner PL OK
15 My Experience as a Sick Man  ABanner PL OK
16 My Varied Experiences in the Hospital  ABanner PL OK
17 Thanksgiving Dinner with the “Rebel Angel”  ABanner PL OK
18 My Sickness and Hospital Experiences Have Spoiled Me for a Soldier  ABanner PL OK
19 I am Detailed to Drive a Six-Mule Team  ABanner PL OK
20 I Demonstrate that Gambling Does Not Pay  ABanner PL OK
21 I Go on a Scouting Expedition  ABanner PL OK
22 The Spotted Horse  ABanner PL OK
23 Tells How the Chaplain was Paralyzed by the Spotted Circus-Horse  ABanner PL OK
24 Mingled Reminiscences  ABanner PL OK
25 Our Party of Recruits own the Earth  ABanner PL OK
26 I Strike Another Soft-Snap, Which is Harder Than Any Snap Heretofore  ABanner PL OK
27 A Short Story About a Pair of Boots, Showing the Monumental Gall of their Owner.  ABanner PL OK