Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

39 of 40 (98%) sections assigned

40 of 40 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: joyfulmn

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 00 - Dramatis Personae   PL OK
1 01 - Pedro, the Boaster  silverquill stoogeswoman jasonb PL OK
2 02 - On the Heels of the Storm  nickbulka silverquill stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
3 03 - SeƱor Zorro Pays a Visit  silverquill stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
4 04 - Swords Clash--And Pedro Explains  nickbulka silverquill stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
5 05 - A Ride in the Morning  nickbulka stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
6 06 - Diego Seeks a Bride  TriciaG nickbulka AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
7 07 - A Different Sort of Man  TriciaG nickbulka AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
8 08 - Don Carlos Plays a Game  ToddHW nickbulka AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
9 09 - The Clash of Blades  TriciaG nickbulka silverquill AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe jasonlohr PL OK
10 10 - A Hint at Jealousy  nickbulka AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe jasonlohr PL OK
11 11 - Three Suitors  TriciaG nickbulka silverquill AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe jasonlohr PL OK
12 12 - A Visit  TriciaG nickbulka silverquill pschempf AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe jasonb jasonlohr PL OK
13 13 - Love Comes Swiftly  pschempf AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe jasonlohr PL OK
14 14 - Captain Ramon Writes a Letter  stoogeswoman jasonlohr PL OK
15 15 - At the Presidio  silverquill stoogeswoman WiltedScribe jasonlohr PL OK
16 16 - The Chase That Failed  silverquill stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
17 17 - Sergeant Gonzales Meets a Friend  silverquill pschempf stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
18 18 - Don Diego Returns  TriciaG nickbulka stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
19 19 - Captain Ramon Apologizes  TriciaG nickbulka AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe jasonlohr PL OK
20 20 - Don Diego Shows Interest  ToddHW nickbulka pschempf ZamesCurran stoogeswoman WiltedScribe jasonb PL OK
21 21 - The Whipping  pschempf ZamesCurran stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
22 22 - Swift Punishment  ToddHW nickbulka stoogeswoman WiltedScribe jasonb PL OK
23 23 - More Punishment  ZamesCurran stoogeswoman WiltedScribe jasonb PL OK
24 24 - At the Hacienda of Don Alejandro  Roger TriciaG ToddHW ChuckW stoogeswoman WiltedScribe Kalilei PL OK
25 25 - A League is Formed  Roger ToddHW pschempf stoogeswoman WiltedScribe Kalilei PL OK
26 26 - An Understanding  nickbulka silverquill AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
27 27 - Orders For Arrest  nickbulka stoogeswoman iBeScotty jasonlohr PL OK
28 28 - The Outrage  TriciaG ToddHW nickbulka AdeledePignerolles ZamesCurran stoogeswoman WiltedScribe Shasta PL OK
29 29 - Don Pulido Feels Ill  ChuckW stoogeswoman WiltedScribe iBeScotty PL OK
30 30 - The Sign of the Fox  ChuckW ej400 stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
31 31 - The Rescue  nickbulka AdeledePignerolles ZamesCurran stoogeswoman WiltedScribe Shasta PL OK
32 32 - Close Quarters  silverquill pschempf AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
33 33 - Flight and Pursuit  silverquill pschempf stoogeswoman PL OK
34 34 - The Blood of the Pulidos  silverquill pschempf AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman PL OK
35 35 - The Clash of Blades Again  EstherbenSimonides stoogeswoman WiltedScribe iBeScotty jasonlohr PL OK
36 36 - All Against Them  AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
37 37 - The Fox at the Bay  silverquill AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK
38 38 - The Man Unmasked  Roger ChuckW silverquill stoogeswoman WiltedScribe iBeScotty PL OK
39 39 - ''Meal Mush and Goat's Milk!''  ChuckW silverquill AdeledePignerolles stoogeswoman WiltedScribe PL OK