Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

26 of 26 (100%) sections assigned

26 of 26 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: plaidsicle

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Concerning self consciousness and egoism  silverquill PL OK
2 Concerning voluntary consciousness, self-observation, and representation  silverquill PL OK
3 Concerning the perspicuity and obscurity in the consciousness of our representations  Soupy PL OK
4 Concerning sensuousness as opposed to the understanding  Soupy PL OK
5 Apology for sensuousness and sensuous justified  Soupy PL OK
6 Concerning our power of doing in regard to the faculty of cognition in general  VivianWeaver PL OK
7 Concerning artificial play and moral semblance  Soupy PL OK
8 Concerning the five senses  sgrace PL OK
9 Concerning the faculty of cognition and the internal sense  VivianWeaver PL OK
10 Concerning the causes of the decrease or increase of our sensuous perceptions in degree  sgrace PL OK
11 Concerning the stoppage, weakening, and total loss of our sensuous faculty  VivianWeaver PL OK
12 Concerning imagination  lezer PL OK
13 Concerning certain bodily means of exciting or soothing the power of imagination  Soupy PL OK
14 Concerning the sensuous power of productive imagination according to its different kinds  Soupy PL OK
15 Concerning the means of arousing and tempering the play of the power of imagination  alg1001 PL OK
16 Concerning the faculty of the power of imagination to represent the past and make present the future  Soupy PL OK
17 Concerning the faculty of prevision and the gift of prophecy  Soupy PL OK
18 Concerning involuntary imaginations in a healthy condition, or dreams  alg1001 PL OK
19 Concerning the designatory faculty and signs  Soupy PL OK
20 Concerning the Weaknesses and Diseases of the Soul in regard to its Faculty of Cognition  Soupy PL OK
21 Mental Diverrsion (distractio)  Soupy PL OK
22 Dull (hebes)  Soupy PL OK
23 Concerning the diseases of the mind and delirious raving  Soupy PL OK
24 Desultory remarks  Soupy PL OK
25 Concerning talent, wit, and the specific distinction between comparing and argumentative wit  Soupy PL OK
26 Concerning sagacity and genius  lezer PL OK