Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

14 of 14 (100%) sections assigned

14 of 14 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: Rapunzelina

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Preface  michelekilpatrick PL OK
1 To Monsieur R.  michelekilpatrick PL OK
2 That the Earth is a Planet which Turns on Itself and Round the Sun Part 1  michelekilpatrick PL OK
3 That the Earth is a Planet which Turns on Itself and Round the Sun Part 2  michelekilpatrick PL OK
4 That the Moon is an Inhabited World Part 1  michelekilpatrick PL OK
5 That the Moon is an Inhabited World Part 2  michelekilpatrick PL OK
6 Some Particulars Concerning the World in the Moon, and Proofs of the other Planets being likewise Inhabited Part 1  michelekilpatrick PL OK
7 Some Particulars Concerning the World in the Moon, and Proofs of the other Planets being likewise Inhabited Part 2  michelekilpatrick PL OK
8 Some Particulars concerning the Worlds of Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Part 1  lubee930 PL OK
9 Some Particulars concerning the Worlds of Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Part 2  michelekilpatrick PL OK
10 That the fix'd Stars are so many Suns, every one of which gives Light to a World Part 1  michelekilpatrick PL OK
11 That the fix'd Stars are so many Suns, every one of which gives Light to a World Part 2  michelekilpatrick PL OK
12 Some New Observations that confirm what has been laid down in the preceeding Discourses and several late Discoveries which have been made in the Heavens Part 1  Availle PL OK
13 Some New Observations that confirm what has been laid down in the preceeding Discourses and several late Discoveries which have been made in the Heavens Part 2  Availle PL OK